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Chats With Han

Chats with Han – Toni Street

Toni Street shares what being healthy means to her and the challenges of her autoimmune disease. We talk about running the house and managing busy routines.

Chats with Han – PJ

I had the pleasure of chatting to the wonderful PJ, we spoke about why keeping fit is important, how to stay clear of the “noise” of social media and society’s pressure. We also had a nice talk about being the person you’re meant to be. Enjoy!

Chats with Han – Kelly Hutton

Kelly shares about her Cancer journey, how she had cancer twice and had a goal to bike the length of Nz (while she actually had cancer for the third time and didn’t even know) 

Chats with Han – Laura McGoldrick

Laura McGoldrick talks about how she needed to find her rhythm with exercise. It’s a love/hate relationship and how she got her groove back.
Laura speaks about having a balanced lifestyle, how she fits in being on the radio every afternoon the hits, to hosting cricket shows on sky, being a mum, a wife, a friend and fitting exercise in the madness.